In the The following diagram you'll find shows the BackUp configuration for our solution:
configuration that we are going to backup:
In order to show how the workings of the backup solution works, we have chose chosen the following scenario: perform a full backup of the virtual machine virtual01 which is a server stored , that is hosted in the production environment. The purpose is to provide a virtual machine complete copy, so that it may be restored in case of disaster you'll be able to restore it in another virtualization environment and restore the service as soon as possible. Bacula Daemon Client, the host that has .
The backup is performed by the Bacula Client Daemon. It is installed in produccion01, one of the hosts in the production environment with access to the storage volume where the virtual machine virtual01 is located, carries out the security copy. This daemon is installed in production01, the production environment.You also have a production environment, where backup01 is located. this virtual machine stores virtual01 resides.
There is also a development environment, that hosts the virtual machine backup01. There is running the Bacula Director Daemon, which manages and plans security copies. This configuration is located in /apps/bacula/etc/baculathat is in charge of managing and scheduling the backup process. The configuration is stored in /etc/backula-dir.conf
, where you'll find and it contains all the necessary information to carry out perform the security copiesbackups.
You finally need the Lastly, there is the Bacula Storage Daemon. This daemon stores the security copies in a dedicated storage and is installed in the virtual machine development01. This host must have access to the storage where the security copies are located, because it has to carry out security copies in backupstorage (NAS storage with RAID 5 disks).
NOTE --> No he entendido esta última frase del original español. que alguien lo revise y lo escribo mejor en inglés
, that writes the backups to the storage in storagebackup, which has been enabled just for this purpose (a NAS storage with a RAID 5 array of disks). The deamon is installed in desarrollo01, in the development environment.