In this example you'll be able to modify the features of This page shows information about using flexVDI Dashboard to modify a Host that has been previously created through with the flexvmflexvdi-config configuration tool.
You must be careful when modifying those features configuring Hosts as a bad configuration can stop you from starting your Hostall the Guests running on it.
If you want to change
thosethese features, go to the Guest/Host/Pool section in the left part of the main window, select the Host and then open the drop-down menu.
You must selectSelect the "Modify" option.
The following window will be displayed where must provide the following information:
A window with the following fields will be shown:
- Host description: a short description of the Host machine, intended usage, notes on it...
- Host address: name or IP address which will be used by flexVDI Manager and other Hosts in the infraestructure (if any) to access the Host and send requests.
- Host VDI Address: name or IP address which end users with flexVDI Client will use to reach the flexVDI Host to see and control their Guests. These users can be in a different network, behind a firewall, and access the Host through a different network interface. If in doubt, ask your network administrator.
- CPU Overcommit: This feature allows you to assign to your Guests more CPU than the to Guests es una característica que permite asignar a los Guest más CPU's de las que físicamente tiene el Host. Si seleccionamos el valor de 1.0, significará que podremos asignar a los Guest exactamente el mismo numero de CPU's físicas que tenga el Host. Si seleccionamos 2.0, significará que podemos asignar el doble de CPU's.
- Overcommit de RAM , es una característica que permite asignar a los Guest más RAM de las que físicamente tiene el Host. Si seleccionamos el valor de 1.0, significará que podremos asignar a los Guest exactamente el mismo numero de RAM físicas que tenga el Host. Si seleccionamos 2.0, significará que podemos asignar el doble de RAM.
Una vez modificado el Host, pulse "Finish" para guardar los cambios.
- CPUs than the amount that is available in the Hosts. A value of 1 means that you can have as much total virtual CPUs in your Guests as physical CPUs you have in your Hosts. 2 means you can assign twice as much Virtual CPUs, and so on.
- RAM Overcommit: This feature allows you to assign to your Guests more RAM than what is available in the Hosts. The value in this field is the available/real ratio. Use this with care, as most other operating systems use all the RAM that is available in their hardware, so swapping will happen in the Host machine, which will slow down the system.
Once you have modified those values, press "Finish" in order to save the changes.