Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


volume_idStringExternalVolume's unique identifier
mount_pointStringExternalVolume's mount point on each Host
statusStringCurren Current state. Either "unknown", "ok", "degraded" or "broken"
status_msgStringStatus message, obtained by last pool. Can be empty
total_spaceIntegerExternalVolume size (KB)
free_spaceIntegerFree space in ExternalVolume (KB)
imagesImageInfo ArrayList of disk images present on this ExternalVolume
clonesCloneInfo ArrayList of cloned disk images present of this ExternalVolume


PhysicalDiskInfo Object



physical_disk_idStringPhysical disk's unique identifier
product_numberStringPhysical disk's product string
vendorStringPhysical disk's vendor string
host_deviceStringName associated to this device on the first Host.
volume_idStringUnique identifier of Guest owning this PhysicalDisk, or empty if not reserved

JSON example


    "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
    "product_number": "Samsung",
    "physical_disk_id": "3500253887013e77e",
    "vendor": "ATA",
    "host_device": "/dev/sdb"