Method | POST |
URL | /tasks/create |
Request contents | PoolCreate Object |
Successful answer | TaskResult Object |
Unexpected error | HTTP 500 |
repeat | String | Reserved |
retries | String | Number of times this task will be retried, in case of an error |
type | String | Task type identifier. In this case, "pool_create" |
pool_id | String | Unique identifier for the new Pool |
description | String | User defined field |
host_list | String Array | Number of Hosts linked to this Pool |
required_vcpus | Integer | Number of vCPUs required by this Pool |
required_vram | Integer | Amount of vRAM (GB) required by this Pool |
granularity_vcpus | Integer | Number of vCPUs reserved at each iteration |
granularity_vram | Integer | Amount of vRAM (GB) reserved at each iteration |
priority | Integer | Pool's priority for resource reservation, being 1 the highest, and 5 the lower |
{ "repeat" : "0" , "retries" : "0" , "type" : "pool_create" , "pool_id" : "pruebapool" , "description" : "Pool de Pruebas" , "host_list" : [ "flexpre04" ], "required_vcpus" : 2, "required_vram" : 2, "granularity_vcpus" : 1, "granularity_vram" : 1, "priority" : 3 } |