If you select the Host in the tree view, information about it is shown in the details view. This information is divided into four tabs: Host info, Pools, Guests and Network. At this point, the Pools and Guests tab should be empty. You can find more information about them in the Administration Guide.

Host info tab

This tab displays basic information about the Host, and a summary of its available resources.

The table on the left shows:

The graphs on the right show a summary of the available resources in this Host. Hosts provide CPU and RAM resources to Guests. The total resources offered by a Host consist of its physical resources adjusted by an overcommit factor. By overcommiting, a Host can offer more resources than actually available.

Resources must be first reserved by a Pool, then used by a Guest of the Pool. The bar graphs show how much resources are in use by Guests, how much are free, and how much are not reserved by any Pool. Next to the graphs there is also the same information in numeric form, and a relation of physical and overcommited resources.

Network tab

This tab shows the network interfaces available to the selected Host, which can be configured with the flexVDI Config tool: