Bonding interfaces

This feature enables the use of multiple network cards as if there was just one. flexVDI Config allows you to configure two different bonding modes:

To create a bonding with two network interfaces, follow these steps in flexVDI Config:

  1. Choose Network in the main menu.
  2. Choose Bondings.
  3. Choose Create.
  4. Choose the bonding mode that you wish to configure, Active-backup ó 802.1ad.

A new network interface named bondN will be created, where N is the bonding number starting at 0.


Now you have to configure this interface:

  1. Select bond0 in the Bondings menu.
  2. Use option Attach to add physical interfaces to the bonding
  3. Use option Dettach to remove physical interfaces from the bonding
  4. Use option Delete remove this bonding