


Request contentGuestModify Object
Successful answerTaskResult Object
Unexpected errorHTTP 500

GuestModify Object


typeStringTask type identifier. In this case, "guest_modify"
guest_idStringUnique identifier of the Guest
descriptionStringGuest description
socketsStringNumber of virtual CPU sockets
coresStringNumber of CPU cores per socket
vramStringAmount of RAM in GB.
audio_drvStringAudio driver name. One of "rtl8139" or "ich6".
rtc_typeStringRTC clock reference. One of "local", "UTC", or empty.
keyboard_drvStringKeyboard driver name. One of "ps2", "usb" or empty.
cpu_emulStringCPU emulation type. One of "kvm", "amd" or empty.
pool_idStringUnique identifier of the Pool that contains the Guest
preferred_hostStringPreferred Host for this Guest
disk_listArray of DiskInfoArray of associated Images. See Create Guest task.
direct_disk_listArray of DirectDiskInfoArray of directly attached disks. See Create Guest task.
iso_listArray of ISOInfoArray of associated ISO images. See Create Guest task.
net_listArray of NetworkInfoArray of network interfaces. See Create Guest task.
boot_fromString"hd", "cdrom" or "network"

JSON example

    "type": "guest_modify",
    "rtc_type": "",
    "vram": "2",
    "audio_drv": "ich6",
    "sockets": "1",
    "description": "",
    "cores": "2",
    "preferred_host": "",
    "direct_disk_list": [],
    "guest_id": "corus",
    "disk_list": [{
        "devnum": "0",
        "bus": "virtio",
        "volume_id": "home_flexvdi",
        "image_id": "corus",
        "image_storage_id": "internal"
    "iso_list": [{
        "media_storage_id": "ms-empty",
        "filename": "ms-empty",
        "devnum": "0",
        "bus": "ide"
    "net_list": [{
        "vlan_list": "",
        "vlan_mode": "none",
        "bridge": "virbr0",
        "driver": "virtio",
        "hwaddr": "02:f1:00:14:00:05",
        "device": "eth0"
    "pool_id": "templates"