
Starting with version 3.1, the flexVDI clients for Windows, Linux and Mac OS have been unified into the flexVDI Desktop Client. It is a complete rewrite of the client code, that focuses on portability and uniformity. This client provides a common experience across all the supported platforms, both in terms of visual aspect and features. Besides, its new architecture allows to keep up with the most recent versions of the Spice Client library, with added stability and performance.


You can download the flexVDI Desktop Client 3.1 from our web page, as usual. Besides, we have made this new rewrite completely open source. You can find the source code in our GitHub repository.

The installation process depends on the platform:

Getting started

The first time you run the flexVDI Desktop Client, you will see the following window:

The main window of the flexVDI Desktop Client consist of some common elements and a form widget in the main body of the window that changes depending on the situation. The common elements are:

The current form widget will change with the user actions, as it evolves through the authentication process until the desired desktop is selected. When you start the client for the first time, no flexVDI platform is configured yet, so the application takes you directly to the settings form.


In the settings form, you can set:

Click on "save settings" once you have configured them, or "discard changes" if you want to revert anything you changed. You can come back to the settings form at any time pushing the cog wheel button on the upper-right corner of the window, or pressing F3 on your keyboard.

If this is your first time trying out flexVDI, we encourage you to test our demo platform: connect to manager.flexvdi.com, port 443, and log in with user flexvdi and any password.


When a flexVDI platform address is set, the application navigates to the login form:

This form shows an input for the username, another for the password and a login button. But before you can write anything, the client will connect with the platform and identify itself using its Terminal ID. If the platform decides that your terminal does not require authentication, the application will skip this step. Otherwise, you can write your credentials and push the login button (or just hit enter).

Desktop selection

Finally, the application navigates to the desktop selection form:

The client presents the list of possible desktops that the platform has offered. You can select one by clicking on it and then pushing the "connect" button, or just double-clicking on it. You can also navigate the list with the up and down arrow keys, or search for a desktop by typing its name. Finally, you can also go back to the login form with the "back" button. If the platform offers just one possible desktop, this step is skipped and the application jumps directly to connect with the desktop.

Status and errors

The flexVDI Desktop Client shows some status and error messages just under the main window's title bar. These are some examples:

Desktop presentation

When the client connects to a virtual desktop, the main window disappears and the desktop presentation window is shown. It consists of just a toolbar and the desktop area:

The toolbar contains the following actions:

When in fullscreen mode, only the desktop area is visible all the time. The toolbar slides down from the screen top edge (bottom edge in Mac OS) when you move the mouse pointer near it:

Besides, the "Go fullscreen" action is replaced with these other actions:

Some of the buttons in the toolbar are not visible under the following circumstances:

Sending keystrokes

When the desktop presentation window is the active window, most keystrokes are sent to the virtual desktop. In particular, the Alt, Ctrl and Windows keys are inhibited in the client desktop so that the user has a better immersive experience in the virtual desktop. So combinations like Alt+Tab, Alt+F4, and other shortcuts are passed to the virtual desktop, and do not make the flexVDI Desktop Client lose the focus in the client desktop.

However, some key combinations cannot be captured. They are not sent to the virtual desktop and take effect in the client computer. These special key combinations are different in each platform. For instance, Ctrl+Alt+Supr cannot be captured in all platforms, Ctrl+Alt+F1 to F12 cannot be captured in Linux and Ctrl+L cannot be captured in Windows. These key combinations are provided in the "Send key combinations" dropdown so that they can be sent to the virtual desktop without affecting the client desktop.

USB device redirection

The flexVDI Desktop Client is capable of redirecting USB devices from the client computer to the virtual desktop, in those platforms where this feature is supported:

To redirect a USB device, click on the "Share USB devices" dropdown in the toolbar and select the proper device:

The list shows with a checkbox which devices are already redirected, and how many can be redirected at the same time (in the example, there are 4 free slots). The flexVDI Desktop Client makes its best to identify the devices, but when no descriptive name is available, the Vendor ID and Product ID are provided.

The client can be configured to redirect some devices automatically on startup or on plug-in. More on this in the Advanced configuration section, later.

Follow-me Printing

Printers configured in the client's computer can be redirected to the virtual desktop. For this feature to work, the flexVDI Guest Tools must be installed in the virtual desktop. When a printer is redirected, a "proxy" printer is created in the virtual desktop with the same name as the redirected one. Any document sent to the proxy printer will appear in the real printer. The proxy printer uses a default driver with the most common features (color/b&w, duplex printing, paper quality, etc), but any vendor-specific features will not be available. If you need any of these features, you can send your documents to the special printer "flexVDI PDF Printer". These documents will be rendered to a PDF file and opened in your client computer with your default PDF viewer. From there, you can print the document with the vendor-specific driver.

The flexVDI Desktop Client remembers which printers you had redirected when you last closed it. These printers are redirected again when you reconnect to your virtual desktop.

Grabbing and ungrabbing the mouse pointer

Mouse pointer integration is not possible when the Spice guest tools are not installed in the virtual desktop, or the guest agent is not running (during the virtual desktop boot process, for instance). In that case, the mouse pointer must be grabbed by the client in order to control the mouse pointer of the virtual desktop. You can do this by simply clicking on the desktop area. The mouse pointer is then used exclusively by the flexVDI Desktop Client, and it must be ungrabbed in order to use it with other applications. This is done with a special key combination, which is Left Ctrl+F9 by default. More on this in the Advanced configuration section, later.

File drag'n'drop

When connecting to a Linux guest, you can drag files and drop them on the client's window area. As a result, the file is transferred to the Downloads folder of the guest's desktop, and that folder is shown with the default file browser.

Advanced configuration

Besides the basic configuration that can be set in the settings form, the flexVDI Desktop Client admits several other options through a configuration file. This file has the following default path on each platform:

The configuration file follows the classic INI file format. Four sections are accepted: General, Session, Devices and Layout. Any unknown section or option is silently ignored. Keys are case-sensitive, and the can have a string, integer or boolean value. Boolean values can be either "true" or "false", in lower-case; anything else is an error. Finally, some keys accept lists of values. In that case, they are written as a semicolon-separated list of values.

This is an example of a common configuration file. Unless said otherwise, keys not appearing in the file have a default value of "", 0 or false, respectively.




The Layout section is a bit special. It is used to remember the size and position of the desktop presentation window, so that it appears in the same way on the next reconnection.

General options

Options in the General section include connection and auto-login options:


The flexVDI Desktop Client writes all log messages to a file in the following path:

Logging can be configured with the log-level option, in the General section. The log level is configured with a comma-separated list of "domain:level" values, where "domain" is a logging domain and "level" is an integer number from 0 (log just errors) to 5 (log everything). Most common domains are "flexvdi", "GSpice", "GTK" and "GLib". If domain is not provided, the level is applied to any domain not configured otherwise. The default value is "3", so messages in any domain are logged up to level 3 (warnings and errors). These are some examples of log level configuration:

# Log all debug messages in any domain

# Log debug messages in domain "flexvdi", normal messages in any other

# Log debug messages in domain "GSpice", info messages in "flexvdi" and warnings in any other

If you ever need to send the flexVDI Client log files to the support team, always use the following logging configuration:


Session options

Session options are those that apply to a certain desktop connection:

Shared folder

You can share a folder of your computer with the guest using the shared-folder option. For this feature to work, you need to configure the guest in the following way:

  1. Install and start the spice-webdavd service. On Windows, it is included in the flexVDI Guest Tools. On Linux, install the correct package for your distribution. For instance, on Red Hat distributions, install the spice-webdavd package.
  2. Connect with a WebDAV client to http://localhost:9843. On Windows, a network-connected drive will appear automatically when the spice-webdavd service is started. On Linux, most desktop file browsers will open the location webdav://localhost:9843.

Device options

Device options are those that apply to device redirection:

USB redirection filters

You can configure which USB devices are redirected automatically when the client connects to the virtual desktop and when a new device is plugged in the client computer. This is done with two sets of filters. Each set is a pipe(|)-separated list of filters in the form "class,vendor,product,version,allow", where "class", "vendor", "product" and "version" are device properties and "allow" can be 1 or 0. Device properties are hexadecimal numbers, with the 0x prefix, and a value of -1 means "any" for all of them. Devices that match those properties are filtered in if "allow" is 1, and filtered out if "allow" is 0.

These are some examples of USB redirection filters:

# filter out HID (class 0x03) USB devices and allow anything else

# allow only the device with Vendor ID 0x045e and Product ID 0x028e (a Microsoft XBOX USB controller)

Options in the command line

You can provide all the previous options in the command line. Options that appear in the command line take precedence over the ones in the configuration file. All of them are passed as --option-name, followed by an argument in the case of string and integer options. For boolean options, --option-name sets the option to true and --no-option-name sets it to false. Most common options also have a short version, with only one leading dash and one letter. Besides, you can provide the following options only in the command line:

You can also connect to any virtual desktop using the Spice protocol if you pass a Spice URI as the last parameter of the command line. A Spice URI has the form spice://host?port=XXX&password=YYYY, where XXX is the port where the Spice server is listening for connections, and YYYY is the Spice password for that virtual desktop.

This is the full help message shown with the --help-all option:

  flexvdi-client [OPTION...] [Spice URI]

flexVDI Client is a Virtual Desktop client for flexVDI platforms. It can also be used as a generic Spice client providing a Spice URI on the command line.

Help Options:
  -?, --help                                                         Show help options
  --help-all                                                         Show all help options
  --help-gapplication                                                Show GApplication options
  --help-gtk                                                         Show GTK+ Options
  --help-gst                                                         Show GStreamer Options
  --help-device                                                      Show device options
  --help-session                                                     Show session options

GApplication options
  --gapplication-service                                             Enter GApplication service mode (use from D-Bus service files)

GTK+ Options
  --class=CLASS                                                      Program class as used by the window manager
  --name=NAME                                                        Program name as used by the window manager
  --gdk-debug=FLAGS                                                  GDK debugging flags to set
  --gdk-no-debug=FLAGS                                               GDK debugging flags to unset
  --gtk-module=MODULES                                               Load additional GTK+ modules
  --g-fatal-warnings                                                 Make all warnings fatal
  --gtk-debug=FLAGS                                                  GTK+ debugging flags to set
  --gtk-no-debug=FLAGS                                               GTK+ debugging flags to unset

GStreamer Options
  --gst-version                                                      Print the GStreamer version
  --gst-fatal-warnings                                               Make all warnings fatal
  --gst-debug-help                                                   Print available debug categories and exit
  --gst-debug-level=LEVEL                                            Default debug level from 1 (only error) to 9 (anything) or 0 for no output
  --gst-debug=LIST                                                   Comma-separated list of category_name:level pairs to set specific levels for the individual categories. Example: GST_AUTOPLUG:5,GST_ELEMENT_*:3
  --gst-debug-no-color                                               Disable colored debugging output
  --gst-debug-color-mode                                             Changes coloring mode of the debug log. Possible modes: off, on, disable, auto, unix
  --gst-debug-disable                                                Disable debugging
  --gst-plugin-spew                                                  Enable verbose plugin loading diagnostics
  --gst-plugin-path=PATHS                                            Colon-separated paths containing plugins
  --gst-plugin-load=PLUGINS                                          Comma-separated list of plugins to preload in addition to the list stored in environment variable GST_PLUGIN_PATH
  --gst-disable-segtrap                                              Disable trapping of segmentation faults during plugin loading
  --gst-disable-registry-update                                      Disable updating the registry
  --gst-disable-registry-fork                                        Disable spawning a helper process while scanning the registry

Device options
  --usbredir-auto-redirect-filter=<filter-string>                    Filter selecting USB devices to be auto-redirected when plugged in
  --usbredir-redirect-on-connect=<filter-string>                     Filter selecting USB devices to redirect on connect
  --flexvdi-serial-port=<device,speed,mode>                          Add serial port redirection. Can appear multiple times. Example: /dev/ttyS0,9600,8N1
  -P, --share-printer=<printer_name>                                 Share a client's printer with the virtual desktop. Can appear multiple times

Session options
  -f, --fullscreen                                                   Show desktop in fullscreen mode
  --inactivity-timeout=<seconds>                                     Close the client after a certain time of inactivity
  --flexvdi-disable-printing                                         Disable printing support
  --auto-clipboard                                                   Automatically share clipboard between guest and client
  --auto-usbredir                                                    Automatically redirect newly connected USB devices
  --grab-mouse                                                       Grab mouse in server mode
  --grab-sequence                                                    Key sequence to release mouse grab (default Shift_L+F12)
  --resize-guest                                                     Resize guest display to match window size
  --disable-power-actions                                            Disable reset/poweroff guest actions
  --disable-usbredir                                                 Disable USB device redirection
  --preferred-compression=<auto-glz,auto-lz,quic,glz,lz,lz4,off>     Preferred image compression algorithm
  --shared-folder                                                    Shared directory with the guest
  --shared-folder-ro                                                 Shared directory with the guest is readonly
  --toolbar-edge=<top,bottom,left,right>                             Window edge where toolbar is shown (default top)

Application Options:
  -h, --host=<hostname or IP>                                        Connection host address
  -p, --port=<port number>                                           Connection port (default 443)
  --proxy-uri=<uri>                                                  Use this URI to connect through a proxy server (default use system settings)
  -u, --username=<user name>                                         User name
  -w, --password=<password>                                          Password
  -d, --desktop=<desktop name>                                       Desktop name to connect to
  --terminal-id=<terminal ID>                                        Use a given Terminal ID instead of calculating it automatically
  --kiosk                                                            Enable kiosk mode
  -v, --log-level=<[domain:]level,...>                               Log level for each domain, or for all messages if domain is ommited. 0 = ERROR, 5 = DEBUG
  -V, --version                                                      Show version and exit
  -c, --config-file=<file name>                                      Alternative configuration file name
  --display=DISPLAY                                                  X display to use