Obtaining flexVDI 2.2

In order to install flexVDI 2.2, you will need the following files.

  • ISO image of flexVDI 2.2. There are images to boot from CD and from a USB pendrive.
  • flexVDI manager disk image, is needed only if Hosts can not access internet. Otherwise, flexVDI Config can automatically download the image during the installation process.

Both files can be downloaded from the flexVDI Portal.

Access flexVDI portal

Open a web browser and go to https://portal.flexvdi.com. If you have not done it yet, register with a user name and a password in the 'Register' tab. Then, enter your credentials in the login form:

Once you have been logged in, go to the Products option, if you are not already there.

Download flexVDI 2.2

From that section you can download the ISO image that will be installed in the Hosts, and the latest images of the flexVDI Manager. You only need to download the Manager image if your hosts do not have direct access to the Internet (which is highly recommended, at least through a proxy server, in order to keep them up to date). Download the installation media that fits you best, either the DVD or the USB image.

Here you will also find links to this documentation, other downloads and the support platform (http://support.flexvdi.com)


Creating an installation DVD

In order to create an installation DVD, you'll need a computer and a DVD recording software. Some operating systems, like Windows 7 or most GNU/Linux distribution, have built-in utilities for this task. For others, you may need to use a third-party software package. Please check your operating system manual for more information.

Creating an installation USB pendrive

Under Windows

  1. Download and install an application for writing images to USB pendrives. Ex: Win32 Disk Imager.
  2. Identify the drive letter of your USB storage.
  3. In the application installed at point 1, select the flexVDI-2.2.4-x86_64-USB.img ISO image that you downloaded, and the USB storage drive letter.

Under a GNU/Linux distribution

  1. Identify your USB pendrive device by using fdisk -l or gparted (or an alternative method you prefer).
  2. Make sure this device is not currently mounted, by running mount from a terminal or checking it in your desktop.
  3. As superuser, or with sudo, use dd to write the ISO on the USB storage. Assuming the device for the latter is /dev/sdc, the command would be something similar to this:

    sudo dd if=flexVDI-2.2.4-x86_64-USB.img of=/dev/sdc bs=1M
  4. Also as superuser or with sudo, run sync from a terminal to be sure all data is written to the USB storage.
  5. Extract your USB pendrive.l