Modifying the base template of a policy desktop

flexVDI supports the possibility of using volatile desktops that are dinamically created and destroyed, so that software updates, installations, etc. only need to be done once on the template, instead of repeteadly over the desktop of every user.

Steps to take to modify the template used as the base for the desktops of a Desktop Policy are:

  1. Connect to your infrastructure with flexVDI Dashboard. It is available in the download section of .
  2. In the Guest / Host / Pool in the left area of flexVDI Dashboard, locate the template to modify, and make a new copy of it with a different name.
  3. Convert the copy of the Template into a normal Guest, and launch it (with "Run once", so does not restart after shutdown).
  4. Open the console of the new Guest from flexVDI Dashboard, and make any desired changes, as you would normally do on any computer.
  5. After completing the changes, shutdown the Guest.
  6. Convert the Guest into a Template.
  7. In the VDI section of the left area of flexVDI Dashboard, open the context menu of the corresponding Desktop Policy, and modify it so that it uses the new template.

When new desktops are created under this Policy Desktop, they will reflect the changes of the new template.

Once all the desktops cloned from the original template are destroyed, it can be deleted if desired.