Getting full information from a certain Image Storage




Request contentsEmpty
Successful answerImageStorageInfo Object
Non-successful answerErrorMessage Object
Unexpected errorHTTP 500

ImageStorageInfo Object


hostsString ArrayList of Hosts linked to this Image Storage
volumesVolumeInfo ArrayList of Volumes presents on this Image Storage
external_volumesExternalVolumeInfo ArrayList of External Volumes present on this Image Storage
gluster_volumesGlusterVolumeInfo ArrayList of Gluster Volumes present on this Image Storage
disksPhysicalDiskInfo ArrayList of Pyhisical Disks present and usable on this Image Storage

JSON example

    "hosts": ["flexdev01"],
    "volumes": [{
        "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
        "total_space": 250057728,
        "clones": [],
        "status": "ok",
        "status_msg": "",
        "primary_disk_id": "3500253887013e77e",
        "images": [{
            "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
            "image_id": "windows7_020216",
            "guest_id": "windows7_020216",
            "image_storage_id": "internal",
            "size_mb": 20480
        }, {
            "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
            "image_id": "windows7_public",
            "guest_id": "windows7_public",
            "image_storage_id": "internal",
            "size_mb": 40960
        }, {
            "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
            "image_id": "windowsXP_public",
            "guest_id": "windowsXP_public",
            "image_storage_id": "internal",
            "size_mb": 20480
        }, {
            "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
            "image_id": "voidlinux_slp",
            "guest_id": "voidlinux_slp",
            "image_storage_id": "internal",
            "size_mb": 15360
        }, {
            "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
            "image_id": "opensuse421_public",
            "guest_id": "opensuse421_public",
            "image_storage_id": "internal",
            "size_mb": 20480
        }, {
            "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
            "image_id": "voidlinux_slp_home",
            "guest_id": "voidlinux_slp",
            "image_storage_id": "internal",
            "size_mb": 61440
        "free_space": 67063808
    "external_volumes": [{
        "volume_id": "home_flexvdi",
        "total_space": 876659228,
        "clones": [{
            "clone_id": "corus_demo_corus",
            "image_id": "corus",
            "guest_id": "corus"
        "status": "ok",
        "status_msg": "",
        "mount_point": "/home/flexvdi",
        "images": [{
            "volume_id": "home_flexvdi",
            "image_id": "webportal_devel",
            "guest_id": "webportal_devel",
            "image_storage_id": "internal",
            "size_mb": 20480
        }, {
            "volume_id": "home_flexvdi",
            "image_id": "corus",
            "guest_id": "corus",
            "image_storage_id": "internal",
            "size_mb": 20480
        }, {
            "volume_id": "home_flexvdi",
            "image_id": "test",
            "guest_id": "test",
            "image_storage_id": "internal",
            "size_mb": 1024
        "free_space": 514361156
    "gluster_volumes": [{
        "bricks": [
        "clones": [],
        "configuration": "1 x (4 + 2)",
        "free_space": 376105728,
        "gvolume_name": "test_vol1",
        "images": [],
        "status": "ok",
        "status_msg": "",
        "total_space": 376173056,
        "transport": "tcp",
        "type": "Disperse",
        "volume_id": "test_vol1"
    "disks": [{
        "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
        "product_number": "Samsung",
        "physical_disk_id": "3500253887013e77e",
        "vendor": "ATA",
        "host_device": "/dev/sdb"

VolumeInfo Object


volume_idStringVolume's unique identifier
primary_disk_idStringPhysical disk's unique identifier
statusStringCurrent state. Either "unknown", "ok", "degraded" or "broken"
status_msgStringStatus message, obtained by last pool. Can be empty
total_spaceIntegerVolume size (KB)
free_spaceIntegerFree space in Volume (KB)
imagesImageInfo ArrayList of disk images present on this Volume
clonesCloneInfo ArrayList of cloned disk images present of this Volume

JSON example

    "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
    "secondary_disk_id": "",
    "total_space": 250057728,
    "clones": [],
    "status": "ok",
    "status_msg": "",
    "primary_disk_id": "3500253887013e77e",
    "images": [{
        "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
        "image_id": "windows7_020216",
        "guest_id": "windows7_020216",
        "image_storage_id": "internal",
        "size_mb": 20480
    }, {
        "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
        "image_id": "windows7_public",
        "guest_id": "windows7_public",
        "image_storage_id": "internal",
        "size_mb": 40960
    }, {
        "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
        "image_id": "windowsXP_public",
        "guest_id": "windowsXP_public",
        "image_storage_id": "internal",
        "size_mb": 20480
    }, {
        "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
        "image_id": "voidlinux_slp",
        "guest_id": "voidlinux_slp",
        "image_storage_id": "internal",
        "size_mb": 15360
    }, {
        "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
        "image_id": "opensuse421_public",
        "guest_id": "opensuse421_public",
        "image_storage_id": "internal",
        "size_mb": 20480
    }, {
        "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
        "image_id": "voidlinux_slp_home",
        "guest_id": "voidlinux_slp",
        "image_storage_id": "internal",
        "size_mb": 61440
    "free_space": 67063808

ExternalVolumeInfo Object

Esquema de datos

volume_idStringExternal Volume's unique identifier
mount_pointStringExternal Volume's mount point on each Host
statusStringCurrent state. Either "unknown", "ok", "degraded" or "broken"
status_msgStringStatus message, obtained by last pool. Can be empty
total_spaceIntegerExternal Volume size (KB)
free_spaceIntegerFree space in External Volume (KB)
imagesImageInfo ArrayList of disk images present on this External Volume
clonesCloneInfo ArrayList of cloned disk images present of this External Volume

JSON example

    "volume_id": "home_flexvdi",
    "total_space": 876659228,
    "clones": [{
        "clone_id": "corus_demo_corus",
        "image_id": "corus",
        "guest_id": "corus"
    "status": "ok",
    "status_msg": "",
    "mount_point": "/home/flexvdi",
    "images": [{
        "volume_id": "home_flexvdi",
        "image_id": "webportal_devel",
        "guest_id": "webportal_devel",
        "image_storage_id": "internal",
        "size_mb": 20480
    }, {
        "volume_id": "home_flexvdi",
        "image_id": "corus",
        "guest_id": "corus",
        "image_storage_id": "internal",
        "size_mb": 20480
    }, {
        "volume_id": "home_flexvdi",
        "image_id": "test",
        "guest_id": "test",
        "image_storage_id": "internal",
        "size_mb": 1024
    "free_space": 514361156

GlusterVolumeInfo Object

Esquema de datos

volume_idStringGluster Volume's unique identifier
statusStringCurrent state. Either "unknown", "ok", "degraded" or "broken"
status_msgStringStatus message, obtained by last pool. Can be empty
total_spaceIntegerExternal Volume size (KB)
free_spaceIntegerFree space in External Volume (KB)
bricksArray of StringList of bricks of this volume, in the form "host:/path/to/brick"
typeStringType of Gluster volume (Replica, Dispersed, Distributed Replica, etc.)
configurationStringConfiguration of bricks for this type of volume
transportStringTransport, one of "tcp", "rdma" or "tcp,rdma"
imagesImageInfo ArrayList of disk images present on this External Volume
clonesCloneInfo ArrayList of cloned disk images present of this External Volume

JSON example

    "bricks": [
    "clones": [],
    "configuration": "1 x (4 + 2)",
    "free_space": 376105728,
    "gvolume_name": "test_vol1",
    "images": [],
    "status": "ok",
    "status_msg": "",
    "total_space": 376173056,
    "transport": "tcp",
    "type": "Disperse",
    "volume_id": "test_vol1"

ImageInfo Object


image_idStringImage's unique identifier
volume_idStringVolume's unique identifier (Image's container)
image_storage_idStringImage Storage's unique identifier (Volume's container)
guest_idStringUnique identifier of Guest owning this disk image, or empty if not reserved
size_mbIntegerImage size (MB)

JSON example

    "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
    "image_id": "windows7_020216",
    "guest_id": "windows7_020216",
    "image_storage_id": "internal",
    "size_mb": 20480

CloneInfo Object


clone_idStringCloned disk image's unique identifier
image_idStringDisk image's unique identifier (cloned disk image's parent)
guest_idStringUnique identifier of Guest owning this disk image, or empty if not reserved

JSON example

    "clone_id": "corus_demo_corus",
    "image_id": "corus",
    "guest_id": "corus"

PhysicalDiskInfo Object


physical_disk_idStringPhysical disk's unique identifier
product_numberStringPhysical disk's product string
vendorStringPhysical disk's vendor string
host_deviceStringName associated to this device on the first Host.
volume_idStringUnique identifier of Guest owning this Physical Disk, or empty if not reserved

JSON example

    "volume_id": "samsung_ssd",
    "product_number": "Samsung",
    "physical_disk_id": "3500253887013e77e",
    "vendor": "ATA",
    "host_device": "/dev/sdb"