Modifying a Pool

Modifying a Pool




Request contentsPoolModify Object
Successful answerTaskResult Object
Unexpected errorHTTP 500

PoolModify Object


retriesStringNumber of times this task will be retried, in case of an error
typeStringTask type identifier. In this case, "pool_modify"
pool_idStringPool's unique identifier
descriptionStringUser defined field
host_listString ArrayList of Hosts linked to this Pool
required_vcpusIntegerNumber of vCPUs required by this Pool
required_vramIntegerAmount of vRAM (GB) required by this Pool
granularity_vcpusIntegerNumber of vCPUs reserved at each iteration
granularity_vramIntegerAmount of vRAM (GB) reserved at each iteration
priorityIntegerPool's priority for resource reservation, being 1 the highest, and 5 the lowest

 JSON example

    "repeat": "0",    
    "retries": "0",
    "type": "pool_modify",
    "pool_id": "pruebapool",
    "description": "Pool de Pruebas",
    "host_list": [ "flexpre04" ],
    "required_vcpus": 2,
    "required_vram": 2,
    "granularity_vcpus": 1,
    "granularity_vram": 1,
    "priority": 3