Getting full information from a certain Desktop Policy
Getting full information from a certain Desktop Policy
Method | GET |
URL | /vdi/desktoppolicies/$DESKTOP_POLICY_ID |
Request contents | Empty |
Successful answer | DesktopPolicyInfo Object |
Non-successful answer | ErrorMessage Object |
Unexpected error | HTTP 500 |
DesktopPolicyInfo Object
desktop_policy_id | String | Desktop Policy's unique identifier |
pool_id | String | Unique identifier of the Pool where Guests for this Desktop Policy are going to be created |
template_id | String | Unique identifier of the Guest being used as Template |
desktop_protocol | String | Currently only "vdi" is reported |
sysprep_name | String | Name of sysprep response file. Optional, can be empty |
windows_domain | String | Windows Domain to be injected in sysprep response file and Single-Sign On credentials |
image_storage_id | String | Unique identifier of the Image Storage which contains volume_id Volume |
volume_id | String | Unique identifier of the Volume to be used as storage for differential images |
precreation_guest_number | Integer | Number of precreated Guests |
precreation_disable_at | Integer | Number of Guests that, when reached, disables Guest precreation |
enable_usb_redir | String | Flag which indicates if desktops will be created with USB redirection. Either "true" or "false" |
enable_copy_paste_h2g | String | Flag which indicates if desktops will be created with Copy&Paste from Host to Guest permission. Either "true" or "false" |
enable_copy_paste_g2h | String | Flag which indicates if desktops will be created with Copy&Paste from Guest to Host permission. Either "true" or "false" |
enable_power_actions | String | Flag which indicates if desktops will be created with permission to be rebooted, shutdown or reset by the user. Either "true" or "false" |
enable_printing | String | Flag which indicates if desktops will be created with permission to use FollowMe printing. Either "true" or "false" |
enable_audio_playback | String | Flag which indicates if desktops will be created with permission to play audio. Either "true" or "false" |
enable_audio_record | String | Flag which indicates if desktops will be created with permission to record audio. Either "true" or "false" |
enable_video_streaming | String | Flag which indicates if desktops will be created with permission to stream video. Either "true" or "false" |
enable_multiple_clients | String | Flag which indicates if desktops will be created with permission to be simultaneously accessed from multiple clients. Either "true" or "false" |
inactivity_timeout | Integer | Time in seconds, for automatic user disconnection |
first_operation_what | String | Operation to be executed after first_operation_when minutes from last user disconnection. Either "none", "stop", "shutdown", "pause", "suspend" or "destroy" |
first_operation_when | Integer | Time (minutes) from last user disconnection, when operation first_operation_what will be executed |
second_operation_what | String | Operation to be executed after second_operation_when minutes from last user disconnection. Either "none", "stop", "shutdown", "pause", "suspend" or "destroy" |
second_operation_when | Integer | Time (minutes) from last user disconnection, when operation second_operation_what will be executed |
third_operation_what | String | Operation to be executed after third_operation_when minutes from last user disconnection. Either "none", "stop", "shutdown", "pause", "suspend" or "destroy" |
third_operation_when | Integer | Time (minutes) from last user disconnection, when operation third_operation_what will be executed |
copy_uuid | String | Legacy. Leave as "false" |
sessions | SessionInfo Array | List of Sessions registered on this Desktop Policy |
parameters | DesktopParameter Array | Since 3.0.3: List of parameter definition that are applied to the Guests of this Desktop Policy |
JSON example
{ "desktop_protocol": "vdi", "precreation_disable_at": 6, "first_operation_when": 10, "volume_id": "samsung_ssd", "third_operation_what": "none", "sessions": [{ "username": "precreated-47bdcb09", "guest_id": "windows7_020216-volatile-47bdcb09", "last_exit": "2016-02-05 06:13:39", "guest_state": "running", "last_access": "2016-02-05 06:13:39" }, { "username": "precreated-d8416432", "guest_id": "windows7_020216-volatile-d8416432", "last_exit": "2016-02-03 22:06:37", "guest_state": "running", "last_access": "2016-02-03 22:06:37" }, { "username": "precreated-687d354a", "guest_id": "windows7_020216-volatile-687d354a", "last_exit": "2016-02-03 14:23:37", "guest_state": "running", "last_access": "2016-02-03 14:23:37" }], "second_operation_what": "destroy", "image_storage_id": "internal", "sysprep_name": "legacy", "desktop_policy_id": "windows7_public", "copy_uuid": "false", "second_operation_when": 11, "windows_domain": "", "precreation_guest_number": 3, "third_operation_when": 0, "first_operation_what": "stop", "pool_id": "demo_public", "template_id": "windows7_020216", "enable_usb_redir":"false", "enable_copy_paste_h2g":"false", "enable_copy_paste_g2h":"false", "enable_power_actions":"false", "enable_printing":"false", "enable_audio_playback":"false", "enable_audio_record":"false", "enable_video_streaming":"false", "enable_multiple_clients":"false", "inactivity_timeout": 0, "parameters": [{ "name": "ip_address", "pattern": "192.168.0.\\n{50,100}", "value": "" }] }
SessionInfo Object
username | String | Identifier of user connected to this Session. Can be an special construction, like precreated-$RANDID for precreated desktops, or guest-$TERMINAL_ID for Kiosk sessions |
guest_id | String | Unique identifier of Guest assigned to this Session |
guest_state | String | Current status for Guest indicated in guest_id. Either "unknown", "running", "stopped", "paused" or "suspended" |
last_access | String | Date of last connection to this Session |
last_exit | String | Date of last disconnection from this Session. Can be "connected", if user is still connected to the Session |
JSON example
{ "username": "precreated-687d354a", "guest_id": "windows7_020216-volatile-687d354a", "last_exit": "2016-02-03 14:23:37", "guest_state": "running", "last_access": "2016-02-03 14:23:37" }
DesktopParameter Object
name | String | Name of the parameter |
pattern | String | Pattern used to generate the set of values for this parameter. |
value | String | Next available value that can be assigned to a Guest. |
globally_unique | Boolean | State if values of this parameter should be unique across all desktop policies that have a parameter with the same name. |
A DesktopParameter pattern determine the set of valid values of a parameter. The syntax is similar to regular expressions. It consists of a succession of one or more of the following elements:
- a - Represents character 'a'.
- \b - Represents character 'b'. Useful to escape some special characters, like '\' or '{'.
- [a-f] - Represents a class of characters from 'a' to 'f'. You can use '\' to escape characters like '-' or '[' inside a class.
- [a-fjs-v] - Class of characters 'a' to 'f', 'j' and 's' to 'v'.
Any of these elements can be repeated:
- e{n} - Represents element e (single char or class) n times.
- e{n, m} - Represents element e a minimum of n times and a maximum of m.
Besides, there are also numbers in decimal format: \n{first,last} (here, 'n' is the literal character n). It represents a number between first and last, both inclusive.
Some examples of patterns and their set of valid values:
- [ab]{3} - aaa, aab, aba, abb, baa, bab, bba, bbb
- a{1,2}\n{9,11} - a9, a10, a11, aa9, aa10, aa11
- 192.168.0.\n{50,100} - all IP addresses between and
JSON example
{ "name": "ip_address", "pattern": "192.168.0.\\n{50,100}", "value": "", "globally_unique": false }