Getting full information from a certain Terminal Policy
Getting full information from a certain Terminal Policy
Method | GET |
URL | /vdi/terminalpolicies/$TERMINAL_POLICY_ID |
Request contents | Empty |
Successful answer | TerminalPolicyInfo Object |
Non-successful answer | ErrorMessage Object |
Unexpected answer | HTTP 500 |
TerminalPolicyInfo Object
terminal_policy_id | String | Terminal Policy's unique identifier |
state | String | Terminal Policy's current status. Either "active" or "inactive" |
auth_mode | String | Authentication mode. Currently one of "none" or "active_directory" |
ad_server_ip | String | LDAP/AD server's IP address |
ad_server_port | String | LDAP/AD server's port |
ad_proxy_user | String | LDAP/AD proxy user (a user with search permissions on the directory) |
ad_proxy_pass | String | LDAP/AD proxy password |
ad_realm | String | LDAP/AD realm |
ad_rdn_attr | String | Attribute to be used as RDN for the LDAP/AD |
desktop_policy_attr | String | LDAP/AD's attribute which holds the Desktop Policy's definition for each entry. Can be empty |
desktop_policy_group_attr | String | Since 3.0.3: LDAP/AD's attribute which holds the Desktop Policy's definition for each group the user is member of. Can be empty, in which case groups are not looked for Desktop Policies |
desktop_policy_default | String | Default Desktop Policy definition to be used when desktop_policy_attr is empty or doesn't exist. Can be empty |
terminals | TerminalInfo Array | List of Terminals registered on this Terminal Policy. |
JSON example
{ "ad_rdn_attr": "cn", "state": "active", "auth_mode": "active_directory", "terminal_policy_id": "default", "terminals": [{ "terminal_id": "h5-92fc15f6-dc24-7582-466c-eabc5827cb56", "last_access": "2015-12-15 16:12:29 (accepted)" }], "ad_proxy_pass": "password", "ad_server_ip": "", "desktop_policy_attr": "description", "desktop_policy_group_attr": "info", "desktop_policy_default": "windows7_public=Windows 7,opensuse421_public=OpenSUSE 42.1", "ad_server_port": "389", "ad_proxy_user": "cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=flexvdi,dc=demo", "ad_realm": "cn=Users,dc=flexvdi,dc=demo" }
TerminalInfo Object
terminal_id | String | Terminal's unique identifier |
last_access | String | Last access date, and if was or not accepted |
JSON example
{ "terminal_id": "h5-92fc15f6-dc24-7582-466c-eabc5827cb56", "last_access": "2015-12-15 16:12:29 (accepted)" }
, multiple selections available,