Getting full information from a certain Guest
Getting full information from a certain Guest
Method | GET |
URL | /guests/$GUEST_ID |
Request contents | Empty |
Successful answer | GuestInfo Object |
Non-successful answer | ErrorMessage Object |
Unexpected error | HTTP 500 |
GuestInfo Object
guest_id | String | Guest unique identifier |
guest_type | String | Guest type. Either "normal", "template", "clone" or volatile. |
uuid | String | libVirt's unique identifier |
description | String | User defined field |
sockets | String | Number of CPU sockets to be emulated |
cores | String | Number of cores per socket to be emulated |
vram | String | Amount (GB) of vRAM assigned to this Guest |
audio_drv | String | Emulated audio device. Either "ac97" or "ich6". |
gpu_drv | String | Emulated graphics device. Either "virtio" or "qxl". |
fix_linux_resolution | String | Enable the resolution fitting fix on "less modern" desktop environments (e.g. MATE) |
rtc_type | String | RTC clock base reference. Either "local", "utc", or empty (legacy). |
keyboard_drv | String | Emulated keyboard device. Either "ps2", "usb", or empty (legacy). |
cpu_emul | String | CPU emulation mode. Either "kvm", "amd" or empty (legacy). |
pool_id | String | Pool's unique identifier to where this Guest is assigned |
desired_state | String | Desired state. Either "running", "stopped", "paused" or "suspended" |
current_state | String | Current state. Either "unknown", "running", "stopped", "paused", "suspended" or "migrating" |
current_host | String | Unique identifier of the Host where this Guest is running. Can be empty if the Guest is not running. |
current_host_address | String | Address of the Host where this Guest is running. Can be empty. |
preferred_host | String | Preferred Host's unique identifier |
parent_template | String | For Guests of type "clone", this field contains the unique identifier of parent template |
clone_list | String Array | For Guests of type "template", this field contains a list of child Guests |
boot_from | String | First boot device. Either "cdrom", "hd" or "network" |
spice_port | String | TCP port on current_host for SPICE connection |
password | String | Ticket for SPICE connection. Removed since flexVDI 3.0 for improved security. |
disk_list | DiskInfo Array | List of associated disk images |
direct_disk_list | DirectDiskInfo Array | List of associated direct disks |
iso_list | ISOInfo Array | List of associated ISOs |
net_list | NetworkInfo Array | List of associated virtual network interfaces |
JSON example
{ "rtc_type": "", "vram": "2", "desired_state": "stopped", "current_state": "stopped", "audio_drv": "ich6", "gpu_drv": "qxl", "fix_linux_resolution": true, "sockets": "1", "description": "", "cores": "2", "uuid": "e0f66dfb-cd6a-4683-b129-de00eb169da5", "current_host_address": "", "current_host": "None", "guest_type": "template", "preferred_host": "", "direct_disk_list": [], "parent_template": "", "guest_id": "corus", "disk_list": [{ "devnum": "0", "bus": "virtio", "volume_id": "home_flexvdi", "image_id": "corus", "image_storage_id": "internal" }], "iso_list": [{ "media_storage_id": "ms-empty", "filename": "ms-empty", "devnum": "0", "bus": "ide" }], "spice_port": "5905", "boot_from": "cdrom", "net_list": [{ "vlan_list": "", "vlan_mode": "none", "bridge": "virbr0", "driver": "virtio", "hwaddr": "02:f1:00:14:00:05", "device": "eth0" }], "clone_list": ["corus_demo"], "pool_id": "templates", "password": "ef176fc1-f2a5-4bbd-83d1-2279cc1228ef" }
DiskInfo Object
devnum | String | Bus order number |
bus | String | Bus identifier |
image_storage_id | String | ImageStorage's unique idenfitier |
volume_id | String | Volume's unique identifier |
image_id | String | Image's unique identifier |
JSON example
{ "devnum": "0", "bus": "virtio", "volume_id": "home_flexvdi", "image_id": "corus", "image_storage_id": "internal" }
DirectDiskInfo Object
devnum | String | Bus order number |
bus | String | Bus identifier |
direct_storage_id | String | DirectStorage's unique identifier |
physical_disk_id | String | PhysicalDisk's unique identifier |
JSON example
{ "devnum": "1", "bus": "virtio", "direct_storage_id": "dstorage01", "physical_disk_id": "4021V3WF" }
ISOInfo Object
devnum | String | Bus order number |
bus | String | Bus identifier |
media_storage_id | String | MediaStorage's unique identifier. Can be "ms-empty", which means the optical device is present, but empty. |
filename | String | ISO's file name. Can be "ms-empty", which means the optical device is present, but empty. |
JSON example
{ "media_storage_id": "ms-empty", "filename": "ms-empty", "devnum": "0", "bus": "ide" }
NetworkInfo Object
device | String | Device order number |
hwaddr | String | MAC address |
bridge | String | Host's network bridge attached to this interface |
driver | String | Emulated network device. Either "virtio", "rtl8139" or "e1000" |
vlan_mode | String | VLAN mode. Either "none", "access" or "trunk" |
vlan_list | String Array | For VLAN modes "access" or "trunk", list of allowed VLANs |
JSON example
{ "device": "eth0", "hwaddr": "02:f1:00:14:00:05", "bridge": "virbr0", "driver": "virtio", "vlan_mode": "none", "vlan_list": "" }