Getting full information from a certain Guest

Getting full information from a certain Guest




Request contentsEmpty
Successful answerGuestInfo Object
Non-successful answerErrorMessage Object
Unexpected errorHTTP 500

GuestInfo Object


guest_idStringGuest unique identifier
guest_typeStringGuest type. Either "normal", "template" or "clone"
uuidStringlibVirt's unique identifier
descriptionStringUser defined field
socketsStringNumber of CPU sockets to be emulated
coresStringNumber of cores per socket to be emulated
vramStringAmount (GB) of vRAM assigned to this Guest
audio_drvStringEmulated audio device. Either "rtl8139" or "ich6".
rtc_typeStringRTC clock base reference. Either "local", "utc", or empty (legacy).
keyboard_drvStringEmulated keyboard device. Either "ps2", "usb", or empty (legacy).
cpu_emulStringCPU emulation mode. Either "kvm", "amd" or empty (legacy).
pool_idStringPool's unique identifier to where this Guest is assigned
desired_stateStringDesired state. Either "running", "stopped", "paused" or "suspended"
current_stateStringCurrent state. Either "unknown", "running", "stopped", "paused", "suspended" or "migrating"
current_hostStringHost's unique identifier where this Guest is running. Can be empty

Host's VDI address, if different from management address

preferred_hostStringPreferred Host's unique identifier
parent_templateStringFor Guests of type "clone", this field contains the unique identifier of parent template
clone_listString ArrayFor Guests of type "template", this field contains a list of child Guests

First boot device. Either "cdrom", "hd" or "network"

spice_portStringTCP port on current_host for SPICE connection
passwordStringTicket for SPICE connection. Removed since flexVDI 3.0 for improved security.
disk_listDiskInfo ArrayList of associated disk images
direct_disk_listDirectDiskInfo ArrayList of associated direct disks
iso_listISOInfo ArrayList of associated ISOs
net_listNetworkInfo ArrayList of associated virtual network interfaces

JSON example

    "rtc_type": "",
    "vram": "2",
    "desired_state": "stopped",
    "current_state": "stopped",
    "audio_drv": "ich6",
    "sockets": "1",
    "description": "",
    "cores": "2",
    "uuid": "e0f66dfb-cd6a-4683-b129-de00eb169da5",
    "current_host_address": "",
    "current_host": "None",
    "guest_type": "template",
    "preferred_host": "",
    "direct_disk_list": [],
    "parent_template": "",
    "guest_id": "corus",
    "disk_list": [{
        "devnum": "0",
        "bus": "virtio",
        "volume_id": "home_flexvdi",
        "image_id": "corus",
        "image_storage_id": "internal"
    "iso_list": [{
        "media_storage_id": "ms-empty",
        "filename": "ms-empty",
        "devnum": "0",
        "bus": "ide"
    "spice_port": "5905",
    "boot_from": "cdrom",
    "net_list": [{
        "vlan_list": "",
        "vlan_mode": "none",
        "bridge": "virbr0",
        "driver": "virtio",
        "hwaddr": "02:f1:00:14:00:05",
        "device": "eth0"
    "clone_list": ["corus_demo"],
    "pool_id": "templates",
    "password": "ef176fc1-f2a5-4bbd-83d1-2279cc1228ef"

DiskInfo Object


devnumStringBus order number
busStringBus identifier
image_storage_idStringImageStorage's unique idenfitier
volume_idStringVolume's unique identifier
image_idStringImage's unique identifier

JSON example

    "devnum": "0",
    "bus": "virtio",
    "volume_id": "home_flexvdi",
    "image_id": "corus",
    "image_storage_id": "internal"

DirectDiskInfo Object


devnumStringBus order number
busStringBus identifier
direct_storage_idStringDirectStorage's unique identifier
physical_disk_idStringPhysicalDisk's unique identifier

JSON example

    "devnum": "1",
    "bus": "virtio",
    "direct_storage_id": "dstorage01",
    "physical_disk_id": "4021V3WF"

ISOInfo Object


devnumStringBus order number
busStringBus identifier
media_storage_idStringMediaStorage's unique identifier. Can be "ms-empty", which means the optical device is present, but empty.
filenameStringISO's file name. Can be "ms-empty", which means the optical device is present, but empty.

JSON example

    "media_storage_id": "ms-empty",
    "filename": "ms-empty",
    "devnum": "0",
    "bus": "ide"

NetworkInfo Object


deviceStringDevice order number
hwaddrStringMAC address
bridgeStringHost's network bridge attached to this interface
driverStringEmulated network device. Either "virtio", "rtl8139" or "e1000"
vlan_modeStringVLAN mode. Either "none", "access" or "trunk"
vlan_listString ArrayFor VLAN modes "access" or "trunk", list of allowed VLANs

JSON example

    "device": "eth0",
    "hwaddr": "02:f1:00:14:00:05",
    "bridge": "virbr0",
    "driver": "virtio",
    "vlan_mode": "none",
    "vlan_list": ""

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