Copy an Image from an Image Storage

Copy an Image from an Image Storage




Request contentImageCopy Object
Successful answerTaskResult Object
Unexpected errorHTTP 500

ImageCopy Object


typeStringTask type identifier. In this case, "image_delete"
image_idStringNew unique identifier of the target Image
image_storage_idStringUnique identifier of the Image Storage that contains Volume volume_id
volume_idStringUnique identifier of the Volume where Image image_id will be created
source_image_idStringUnique identifier of the source Image
source_volume_idStringUnique identifier of the Volume that contains source_image_id

Ejemplo en JSON

    "type": "image_copy",
    "image_id": "debian_template3",
    "volume_id": "flexfs01",
    "image_storage_id": "istorage01",
    "source_image_id": "debian_template2",
    "source_volume_id": "flexfs01"

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