Getting assigned desktop list
Getting assigned desktop list
Method | POST |
URL | /vdi/desktop |
Request content | DesktopsRequest |
Successful answer | DesktopsResponse Object |
Non-successful answer | ErrorMessage Object |
Unexpected error | HTTP 500 |
DesktopsRequest Object
hwaddress | String | Client device or browser unique identifier. Must be a chain with 8-50 characters in [ 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z',, '-', '_', ':'] |
username | String | Name of the user. Not required is authentication mode is "none". |
password | String | Passwowd of the user. Not required is authentication mode is "none". |
JSON example
{ "hwaddress":"1234-5678", "username": "user1", "password": "secret" }
DesktopsResponse Object
SelectDesktopStatus | String | "SelectDesktop": The request was correctly processed, the user is correctly authenticated, and the user is assigned several desktops. message contains an object with desktop data |
status | String | Current host state. One of: "SelectDesktop": The request was correctly processed, the user is correctly authenticated, and the user is assigned several desktops. "OK": The request was correctly processed, the user is correctly authenticated, and the user is assigned one desktop. "error": Something did not go well. See message for details. |
message | String | If SelectDesktopStatus == "SelectDesktop", message contains a list of desktops. Else, description of the error. |
JSON example
{ "message": "{'ubuntu16': '1- ubuntu16','centos78':'2- CentOS78', 'winDp':'3- Win 10'}" "status": "SelectDesktop" }
, multiple selections available,
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