Using shared storage

Using shared storage

Once the OCFS2 cluster is configured, the flexVDI platform can access disks or volumes that are shared by a set of Hosts. Open the flexVDI Dashboard and go to the "Storage" section header. If there already is an Image Storage that covers the set of Hosts that share the volume you want to access, you can use it. Otherwise, create a new one as we explained in the First steps with flexVDI Dashboard guide.


A Volume is created from a disk with a SCSI identifier that is visible by all the hosts associated with an Image Storage. These disks can be, for instance, physical SAS disks or iSCSI targets. SAS disks are autodetected during boot. iSCSI targets must be first configured with the iscsiadm tool:

~]# iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p
Starting iscsid:     [ OK ],1 iqn.2015-06.com.example.test:target1
~]# iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2015-06.com.example:target1 --login
Logging in to [iface: default, target: iqn.2015-06.com.example:target1, portal:,3260] (multiple)
Login in to [iface: default, target: iqn.2015-06.com.example:target1, portal:,3260] successful.

In order to discover and configure the different types of shared storage that can be made available in a flexVDI cluster, read the Red Hat storage management documentation.

When the host has detected the new disk, you have to execute:

~]# service flexvdi-agent restart

This command makes flexVDI software update its internal list of attached disks, without interrupting service.

The Dashboard shows the disks that are available from all the hosts of an Image Storage, an which ones have already been associated to a Volume:

In order to create a new Volume with one of these disks, click with the right mouse button on an Image Storage and select the New Volume option. Then, input the new Volume's name:

Select the SCSI identifier of the disk you want to use:

Confirm the operation, and the Volume will be formated and prepared to be used. You can create new virtual disk images from the context menu of the Volume, or more confortably during the new guest creation process.

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