Getting full information from a certain Host

Getting full information from a certain Host




Request contentsEmpty
Successful answerHostInfo Object
Non-successful answerErrorMessage Object
Unexpected errorHTTP 500

HostInfo Object


host_idStringHost unique identifier
hypervisorStringHypervisor's type and version
cpu_typeStringHost's CPU type
descriptionStringUser defined field
physical_coresStringHost's number of physical cores
cpu_overcommitFloatVirtual CPU overcommit multiplier
vcpus_totalStringTotal number of vCPUs on this Host (physical_cores * cpu_overcommit)
vcpus_in_useStringNumber of vCPUs currently in use by some Guest
vcpus_reservedStringNumber of vCPUs currently reserved by some Pool
physical_ramStringHost's physical RAM (GB)
ram_overcommitStringVirtual RAM overcommit multiplier
vram_totalStringTotal amount of vRAM on this Host (physical_ram ram_overcommit)
vram_in_useStringAmount of vRAM currently in use by some Guest
vram_reservedStringAmount of vRAM currently reserved by some Pool

Host's management network address

desired_stateStringHost's desired state. Either "stopped" or "running"
current_stateStringHost's current state. Either "unknown", "unavailable", "stopped", "running" or "incompatible"

Result from latest Agent pooling.

phys_iface_listPhysIfaceInfo ArrayList of all physical network interfaces on this Host
bonding_iface_listBondIfaceInfo ArrayList of all network bondings on this Host
bridge_iface_listBridgeIfaceInfo ArrayList of all network bridges on this Host
vlan_iface_listVlanIfaceInfo ArrayList of all native VLAN interfaces on this Host
pools_infoHostPoolInfo ArrayList of all Pools which have reserved resources from this Host
guests_infoHostGuestInfo ArrayList of all Guests which are currently using resources from this Host

JSON sample

    "hypervisor": "flexVDI Agent v2.2.18",
    "desired_state": "running",
    "vlan_iface_list": [],
    "current_state": "running",
    "vcpus_total": "48",
    "description": "",
    "vram_reserved": "84",
    "cpu_overcommit": 2.0,
    "host_address": "",
    "vcpus_reserved": "42",
    "ram_overcommit": 1.5,
    "bonding_iface_list": [],
    "physical_ram": "62",
    "host_id": "flexdev01",
    "vcpus_in_use": "21",
    "vram_in_use": "25",
    "error_msg": "The operation was successfully completed.",
    "phys_iface_list": [{
        "netmask": "None",
        "gateway": "None",
        "hwaddr": "None",
        "address": "None",
        "iface": "eth0"
    }, {
        "netmask": "None",
        "gateway": "None",
        "hwaddr": "None",
        "address": "None",
        "iface": "eth1"
    "bridge_iface_list": [{
        "netmask": "",
        "gateway": "None",
        "address": "",
        "slave_list": [],
        "iface": "virbr1"
    }, {
        "netmask": "",
        "gateway": "",
        "address": "",
        "slave_list": ["eth0"],
        "iface": "virbr0"
    "physical_cores": "24",
    "vram_total": "93",
    "cpu_type": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz",
    "guests_info": [{
        "guest_id": "opensuse421_public-volatile-e30ca1bb",
        "pool_id": "demo_public",
        "vcpus": "2",
        "vram": "2"
    }, {
        "guest_id": "opensuse421_public-volatile-787c3d17",
        "pool_id": "demo_public",
        "vcpus": "2",
        "vram": "2"
    }, {
        "guest_id": "windowsXP_public-volatile-2fc460a9",
        "pool_id": "demo_public",
        "vcpus": "1",
        "vram": "1"
    }, {
        "guest_id": "voidlinux_slp",
        "pool_id": "demo_private",
        "vcpus": "2",
        "vram": "4"
    }, {
        "guest_id": "opensuse421_public-volatile-41b8354a",
        "pool_id": "demo_public",
        "vcpus": "2",
        "vram": "2"
    }, {
        "guest_id": "windows7_020216-volatile-ad817d46",
        "pool_id": "demo_public",
        "vcpus": "2",
        "vram": "2"
    }, {
        "guest_id": "webportal_devel",
        "pool_id": "services",
        "vcpus": "2",
        "vram": "4"
    }, {
        "guest_id": "windows7_020216-volatile-687d354a",
        "pool_id": "demo_public",
        "vcpus": "2",
        "vram": "2"
    }, {
        "guest_id": "windows7_020216-volatile-657536a6",
        "pool_id": "demo_public",
        "vcpus": "2",
        "vram": "2"
    }, {
        "guest_id": "windowsXP_public-volatile-43d4e04c",
        "pool_id": "demo_public",
        "vcpus": "1",
        "vram": "1"
    }, {
        "guest_id": "windowsXP_public-volatile-19a07939",
        "pool_id": "demo_public",
        "vcpus": "1",
        "vram": "1"
    }, {
        "guest_id": "corus_demo",
        "pool_id": "services",
        "vcpus": "2",
        "vram": "2"
    "pools_info": [{
        "vram_reserved": "60",
        "vcpus_reserved": "30",
        "vcpus_in_use": "15",
        "vram_in_use": "15",
        "pool_id": "demo_public"
    }, {
        "vram_reserved": "8",
        "vcpus_reserved": "4",
        "vcpus_in_use": "4",
        "vram_in_use": "6",
        "pool_id": "services"
    }, {
        "vram_reserved": "4",
        "vcpus_reserved": "2",
        "vcpus_in_use": "0",
        "vram_in_use": "0",
        "pool_id": "templates"
    }, {
        "vram_reserved": "12",
        "vcpus_reserved": "6",
        "vcpus_in_use": "2",
        "vram_in_use": "4",
        "pool_id": "demo_private"

PhysIfaceInfo Object


ifaceStringInterface name on the Host
hwaddrStringInterface MAC address, or "None", if not present
addressStringInterface IP address, or "None", if not present
netmaskStringInterface network mask, or "None", if not present
gatewayStringInterface network gateway, or "None", if not present

JSON example

    "netmask": "None",
    "gateway": "None",
    "hwaddr": "None",
    "address": "None",
    "iface": "eth0"

BondIfaceInfo Object


ifaceStringInterface name on the Host
addressStringInterface IP address, or "None", if not present
netmaskStringInterface network mask, or "None", if not present
gatewayStringInterface network gateway, or "None", if not present
slave_listString ArrayList of physical interfaces associated to this bonding

JSON example

    "netmask": "None",
    "gateway": "None",
    "address": "None",
    "slave_list": ["eth0", "eth1"],
    "iface": "bond0"

BridgeIfaceInfo Object

Esquema de datos

ifaceStringInterface name on the Host
addressStringInterface IP address, or "None", if not present
netmaskStringInterface network mask, or "None", if not present
gatewayStringInterface network gateway, or "None", if not present
slave_listString ArrayList of physical interfaces associated to this bridge

JSON example

    "netmask": "",
    "gateway": "",
    "address": "",
    "slave_list": ["bond0"],
    "iface": "virbr0"

VlanIfaceInfo Object


ifaceStringInterface name on the Host
addressStringInterface IP address, or "None", if not present
netmaskStringInterface network mask, or "None", if not present
gatewayStringInterface network gateway, or "None", if not present

JSON example

    "netmask": "",
    "gateway": "",
    "address": "",
    "iface": "vlan2.10"

HostPoolInfo Object


pool_idStringPool's unique identifier
vcpus_reservedStringNumber of vCPUs reserved from this Pool
vcpus_in_useStringNumber de vCPUs reserved from this Pool, currently in use
vram_reservedStringAmount of vRAM reserved from this Pool
vram_in_useStringAmount de vRAM reserved from this Pool, currently in use

JSON example

    "vram_reserved": "60",
    "vcpus_reserved": "30",
    "vcpus_in_use": "15",
    "vram_in_use": "15",
    "pool_id": "demo_public"

HostGuestInfo Object


guest_idStringGuest's unique identifier
pool_idStringUnique identifier for Guest's associated Pool
vcpusStringNumber of vCPUs currently in use by this Guest
vramStringAmount of vRAM currently in use by this Guest

JSON example

    "guest_id": "corus_demo",
    "pool_id": "services",
    "vcpus": "2",
    "vram": "2"

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