Configure Manager's watchdog

Configure Manager's watchdog

The flexVDI Agent service in each host is also in charge of keeping the flexVDI Manager instance up. This API call distributes the watchdog configuration to all Hosts in the Image Storage that stores the flexVDI Manager's images whenever it changes.




Request contentsWatchdogConfig Object
Successful answerManagerResult Object
Unexpected errorHTTP 500

WatchdogConfig Object


imagestorage_idStringTask type identifier. In this case, "host_action"
volume_idStringHost's unique identifier
...OtherWatchdog config fields are explained here.

JSON example

    "vmname" : "flexVDI_Manager",
    "ipaddress" : "",
    "vmbridge" : "virbr0",
    "vmvlan" : "",
    "instance" : "01",
    "storage_mode" : "ocfs2",
    "host_list" : [ "flexpre02" ],
    "ocfs2_primarydisk_id" : "35000c5007aff6846",
    "imagestorage_id" : "Local",
    "volume_id" : "Mecanico",
    "vmimage" : "/var/lib/flexvdi/image_storages/Local/Mecanico/flexvdi-manager-3.1.0",
    "vmdata" : "/var/lib/flexvdi/image_storages/Local/Mecanico/flexvdi-manager-data",
    "ha_mode" : "clustered",
    "vmpassword" : "tNWxJgZEyBP8"

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