Modifying a Pool

Modifying a Pool




Request contentsPoolModify Object
Successful answerTaskResult Object
Unexpected errorHTTP 500

PoolModify Object


typeStringTask type identifier. In this case, "pool_modify"
pool_idStringPool's unique identifier
descriptionStringUser defined field
host_listString ArrayList of Hosts linked to this Pool
required_vcpusIntegerNumber of vCPUs required by this Pool
required_vramIntegerAmount of vRAM (GB) required by this Pool
granularity_vcpusIntegerNumber of vCPUs reserved at each iteration
granularity_vramIntegerAmount of vRAM (GB) reserved at each iteration
priorityIntegerPool's priority for resource reservation, being 1 the highest, and 5 the lowest

 JSON example

    "type": "pool_modify",
    "pool_id": "pruebapool",
    "description": "Pool de Pruebas",
    "host_list": [ "flexpre04" ],
    "required_vcpus": 2,
    "required_vram": 2,
    "granularity_vcpus": 1,
    "granularity_vram": 1,
    "priority": 3